Save the trees!

Waves of lumberjacks are coming to destroy the enivornment on your peaceful remote island.

Can you stop them?

Grow your shrooms in tactical positions and combine their powers to take down the increasingly challening enemies.

The more trees you save the more you can further upgrade your shrooms to become an unstoppable force of nature!

Shrooms, the debut game from terra mater, is a unique 3d tower defence strategy game.

In a shake up of the genre, the lumberjack enemies travel in all directions around the island and are not constrained by a set path.

You will lose lives, but can you stem the flow of enemies and stop them taking over the whole island?

only the best strategy will reward you with victory!

Create your own unique island to defend

Fly agaric

The Basic Shroom

Everyone's seen this cartoony Shroom before, but what they don't know is if you get too close it will fire its spores at you, dealing light damage.

Meet The Shrooms!

Ink cap

The Drippy Shroom

Oozing with its own melted gills (gross), this Shroom gunks up its enemies to slow them down.

Skull cap

The Literally Poisonous Shroom

While most Shroom are poisionous, the Skull Cap can poison without being eaten, slowly damaging its opponents.

Chicken of the woods

The Animal Shroom

This is a Shroom's idea of a heavy machine gun (not a chicken), rapidly firing a string of weak spores, quickly taking out weak enemies.

giant puffball

The Fattest Shroom

Don't let looks decieve you, this friendly Shroom will throw its offspring at enemies with explosive power.

Sulphur tuft

The Stunning Shroom

Not necessarily stunning looks-wise, but will shock with its paralysing spores.

death cap

The Deadly Shroom

Humans have feared the death cap for millenia, and rightly so! One hit from its spores will sure to knock a man out.

Poison Fire Coral

The Fiery Shroom

Is it coral? Probably not. Is it poisonous? Probably, yes. But it will also set groups of lumberjacks on fire.

bridal veil stinkhorn

The Jilted Shroom

All ready for her wedding day - but forgot to put on deoderant! She smells so bad her fiance left her at the altar and lumberjacks are sent running home!

Angel’s wings

The Angelic Shroom

Don't let looks deceive you, this Shroom is the devil incarnate, firing a long range shroomplosion obliterating the target site.


  • Shrooms! Tower defence will be available on windows and mac, purchasable through steam - wishlist now!

  • very soon - our current release date is scheduled for march 2025. sign up to our mailing list and wishlist on steam to stay updated!